how to increase your snapchat score by 1000

7 June 2023 - 5:35 pm

Snapchat is a popular social media platform that allows users to share photos and videos with their friends. It was created by Evan Spiegel, Bobby Murphy, and Reggie Brown and was first released in 2011. Snapchat gained popularity for its unique feature of allowing users to send “Snaps,” which are photos or videos that disappear after a short period of time, typically a few seconds after being viewed.

How do you get your Snapscore to 1000?

Increasing your Snapchat score by 1000 requires consistent engagement and interaction on the platform. Here are some methods you can try to boost your score:

Send Snaps: Sending snaps to your friends and engaging in conversations will increase your Snapchat score. Each snap sent or received contributes to your score, so try to be active in sharing snaps with your friends.

Post Stories: Sharing stories allows your friends to view and interact with your content. The more engagement you receive on your stories, the higher your Snapchat score will go. Be creative and post interesting content to encourage your friends to interact with your stories.

Chat with Friends: Engage in conversations with your friends by using the chat feature in Snapchat. Each message you send or receive will increase your score.

Discover and Explore: Explore the Discover section on Snapchat and engage with the content available there. Watching and interacting with articles, shows, and sponsored content can contribute to your Snapchat score.

Snapstreaks: Maintain snapstreaks with your friends. Snapstreaks occur when you and your friend exchange snaps for consecutive days. Keeping snapstreaks alive can boost your Snapchat score significantly.

Add More Friends: Increasing your friend list on Snapchat means more potential interactions and engagements. Connect with new people, join Snapchat groups, and participate in community events to expand your network.

snapchat support my account is locked

I can provide you with some general steps you can take to resolve the issue:

  1. Visit the Snapchat support website: Go to on a web browser.
  2. Choose “My Account & Security”: On the support website, select the “My Account & Security” option.
  3. Select “Account Locked”: Look for the “Account Locked” section and click on it.
  4. Follow the instructions: Snapchat will provide instructions to help you regain access to your account. This typically involves verifying your identity through email or phone number.
  5. Contact Snapchat Support: If you’re unable to regain access through the provided instructions, you can try reaching out to Snapchat support directly. On the support website, click on the “Contact Us” or “Help” option, and you may find options to contact their support team.